Milliken Research Symposium Invites Students to “Peek Behind the Veil of Corporate Research”

Posted on Jan 11, 2017 8:56:20 AM, by Mollie Williams

Innovative leadership begins with investment and excellence in education and platforms that foster learning and collaboration. Partnerships with academic research teams, colleges, and universities set the stage to maximize research possibilities, push boundaries, and reimagine the status quo across industries. 

As a global innovation leader, at Milliken, we delight in creating opportunities that empower the next generation of researchers, scientists, and innovators. That is why we are pleased to announce our Fifth Annual Graduate Research Symposium. The three-day event offers a unique opportunity for students to interact with leading industrial researchers within their working environment. 


Successful doctoral students who have demonstrated academic excellence in a variety of scientific fields are invited to apply for an all-expenses paid, hands-on experience at the Roger Milliken Center. Students will receive insight into the interworking of an industrial research business, interact with leading Milliken associates, and enjoy peer learning in various academic research areas.


The top graduates from elite institutions will present their research within the fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering, physics, polymer science, and other related Ph.D. programs. Roundtable discussions, facility tours, and discussions with company associates allow students to network, receive career guidance, and apply their studies in an open and collaborative environment.

In addition to networking opportunities with peer leaders, management, and research personnel, attendees will receive a $1,000 honorarium.


We look forward to the opportunity to connect with leading graduates this coming April. For more information on the symposium, or to apply*, please visit

*Deadline for application is January 31, 2016 by 5:00 p.m. EST.


Topics: Innovation

Mollie Williams

Written by Mollie Williams

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