Milliken Champions Ethical Issues in the Architecture & Design Industry

Posted on Jan 19, 2017 9:17:29 AM, by Mollie Williams

“We have a responsibility that is proportional to our power. Being sensitive to the human considerations is crucial in making ethical decisions. It’s not what you can do, it’s about what you should do.” - Damon Horowitz

Ethical integrity is core to who we are as a company. From our processes to products, our community of innovators seeks to advance ethical standards across the many industries that Milliken influences and serves. Most recently, our floor covering division has led the discussion of ethics as it impacts the architecture and design fields. 

Over the last several years, sustainability has been a popular topic for the A&D community. Architects and designers must consider the environmental impacts of their work, while sourcing sustainable materials and bearing in mind the wellbeing of a space’s inhabitants. A&D professionals are regularly faced with decisions that present many ethical dimensions - but not every issue offers a clear-cut solution. Some cases are more black and white, while others represent ethical gray areas. 

With this in mind, Milliken introduced a discussion-driven continuing education course (CEU), “An Ethical Approach to Design and Architecture,” to navigate the waters of ethically gray situations that architects and designers often encounter.

The CEU course covers the following ethical issues:

  • Common industry practices and ways to resolve potential dilemmas
  • The importance of sustainable design and architecture, and the moral and ethical implications of actions
  • Designing spaces to promote the greater good of communities at large and creating a better quality of life 

Milliken has long been dedicated to leading industries in ethical practices. It’s integral to how we conduct business every day. In fact, our dedication to ethical business practices has resulted in a 10-year distinction as one of Ethisphere® Institute’s World’s Most Ethical Companies®. Creating a thought-provoking CEU around ethics is one avenue through which Milliken extends our ethical foundation to the industries in which we serve. 

Click here to learn more about how to take part in our ethics-focused CEU, as well as other courses offered by Milliken.

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Topics: Making Connections

Mollie Williams

Written by Mollie Williams

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