2018 Milliken Gives Corporate Campaign Invests in the Spartanburg Community

Posted on Jul 9, 2018 11:55:44 AM, by Mollie Williams

“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” - Anthony J. D’Angelo

A good neighbor puts his or her community first. At Milliken, we are proud to be a community-minded team who reaches forward with open arms to create a better place for our neighbors today and in the future. 

Milliken Gives is the visible way in which we accomplish this sentiment. The initiative, in its second year, is a corporate community outreach program to foster a legacy of support and engagement within the various global communities Milliken calls home.

Our associates are encouraged to give through avenues that uniquely resonate with them, including donating to annual campaigns, volunteering within their communities and participating in community support drives. This year’s annual corporate giving campaign, an opportunity for those based at our global headquarters in Spartanburg, South Carolina, was accompanied by a friendly competition that garnered high levels of interest. Milliken division teams faced off in the inaugural Milliken United Way Tournament, where participants made contributions to the United Way before participating in the field day-like event. 

As a result of this year’s corporate giving campaign, we were proud to present the United Way of the Piedmont with a donation of more than $330,000 — comprised of pledges from associates based at Milliken’s global headquarters with a matching gift from the Milliken Foundation. These funds are tangibly invested into the local community, with associates designating their donations to go to United Way community partners or giving to the United Way of the Piedmont’s Community Impact Fund.

In addition, with the launch of our global volunteer tracking portal, Milliken’s community impact is expanded and magnified throughout all of our local communities. Within this inspiring platform, Milliken associates can view recently registered volunteering gifts from their fellow associates around the world, as well as log their own hours with photos and certificates to share the story of their local community involvement. 

Stay tuned for more updates throughout the year as the 2018 Milliken Gives campaign makes an impact across our global community. 

Topics: Making Connections

Mollie Williams

Written by Mollie Williams

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